Miscellaneous Publications
Martin A. Suhm. Kernmagnetische Relaxation in Binären Mischungen von Hexafluorbenzol mit Benzol und Cyclohexan. Diplomarbeit, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 1985.
Martin A. Suhm. Vibrational states of water clusters as studied by Diffusion Monte Carlo techniques. Research Report, Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory, Research School of Physical Sciences, Australian National University, 1986.
Martin A. Suhm. Die Dynamik des Wasserstoffbrückenmoleküls (HF)2: Ferninfrarotspektroskopie und Theorie. Dissertation, ETH Zürich, 1990.
Martin Quack, Jürgen Stohner, and Martin A. Suhm. Vibrational dynamics of (HF)n aggregates from an ab initio based analytical (1+2+3)-body potential. C4 Bulletin, ETH Zürich, 6:13-18, 1992.
R. Marquardt, M. Quack, J. Stohner, and M. A. Suhm. Spectroscopy, laser chemistry and time dependent quantum dynamics of molecules and clusters. In Supercomputing Projects Switzerland 1991/1992, pages 31-34. CSCS/EPFL/ETHZ, 1993.
Martin Quack and Martin Suhm. Structure, spectroscopy and dynamics of HF clusters. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics '94, Maria Alm, pages 53-56, 1994.
Martin Quack, Ulrich Schmitt, and Martin A. Suhm. Molecular spectroscopy and dynamics of hydrogen bond complexes. In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 93/94, page 69. ETH Zürich, 1994.
T.-K. Ha, M. Quack, and M. A. Suhm. A density functional study of HF clusters. In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 93/94, page 38. ETH Zürich, 1994.
Martin Suhm. Die Dynamik des Wasserstoffbrückenmoleküls (HF)2: Ferninfrarotspektroskopie und Theorie. Oder: Musizieren und Wandern - einmal anders. In Studienstiftung Jahresbericht 1994, pages 66-70. Sekretariat der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, 1995.
Martin A. Suhm. HF Dampf. Habilitationsschrift, ETH Zürich, 1995 (a postscript file of this thesis is available upon request from the author).
Hans Hollenstein, Roberto R. Marquardt, Martin Quack, Martin A. Suhm, and Ruth Signorell. Dipole moment function of methane and analytical anharmonic, 9-dimensional potential surface: Theory and experiment for the permanent electric dipole moment of CH2D2 using quantum Monte Carlo calculations and FIR spectroscopy. In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 94/95, page 71. ETH Zürich, 1995.
Tae-Kyu Ha, Martin Quack, Martin A. Suhm, Christoph Maerker, and Paul von Ragué Schleyer. A hybrid density functional study of HF clusters. In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 94/95, page 73. ETH Zürich, 1995.
Yabai He, Holger Müller, David Luckhaus, Martin Quack, Ulrich Schmitt, Jürgen Stohner, and Martin A. Suhm. Spectroscopy, potential hypersurfaces and dynamics of hydrogen bond complexes. In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 94/95, page 74. ETH Zürich, 1995.
Martin Quack, Martin A. Suhm, Kari Laasonen, and Michele Parrinello. Car-Parrinello density functional study of hydrogen bond clusters (HF). In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 94/95, page 75. ETH Zürich, 1995.
Ruth Signorell, Yabai He, Holger B. Müller, Martin Quack, and Martin A. Suhm. High resolution diode laser and FTIR spectroscopy of (HF)n and its isotopomers. In John P. Maier and Martin Quack, editors, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, Cluster, Ion, and Surface Physics, pages 256-259. Vdf Publishers, Zürich, 1996.
Ruth Signorell, Roberto Marquardt, Martin Quack, and Martin A. Suhm. Far infrared spectroscopy and dipole moment function of methane and its isotopomers. In John P. Maier and Martin Quack, editors, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, Cluster, Ion, and Surface Physics, pages 260-263. Vdf Publishers, Zürich, 1996.
Ruth Signorell, Yabai He, Holger Müller, Martin Quack, and Martin A. Suhm. High resolution diode laser and FTIR spectroscopy of (HF)n and its isotopomers. In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 95/96, page 67. ETH Zürich, 1996.
Ruth Signorell, Roberto Marquardt, Martin Quack, and Martin A. Suhm. The permanent electric dipole moment of CH2D2: FIR spectroscopy, centrifugal distortion effects and quantum Monte Carlo calculations with 9-dimensional analytical dipole moment and potential functions of methane. In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 95/96, page 69. ETH Zürich, 1996.
Wim Klopper, Martin Quack, and Martin A. Suhm. A new ab initio based six-dimensional semiempirical pair interaction potential for HF. In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 95/96, page 70. ETH Zürich, 1996.
Christoph Maerker, Paul von Ragué Schleyer, Klaus Liedl, Tae-Kyu Ha, Martin Quack, and Martin A. Suhm. A critical analysis of electronic density functionals for structural, energetic, dynamic and magnetic properties of hydrogen fluoride clusters. In Competence Center for Computational Chemistry, Annual Report 95/96, page 74. ETH Zürich, 1996.
Martin A. Suhm. Aus dem Gesellschaftsleben eines kleinen Moleküls. Eine Einführung in die Molekularsoziologie. Vierteljahrsschrift Naturforsch. Ges. Zürich, 142:133-143, 1997.
Martin Suhm. Spektroskopie von isolierten Molekülaggregaten. Trendbericht Physikalische Chemie 1999. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 48:313-317, 2000.
Martin Suhm. LANMAT 2001 (Tagungsbericht). Bunsen-Magazin 3 (2001) 169.
Martin Suhm. Fish Soufflé Clausius-Clapeyron. Pp. 179-181 in What's
Cooking in Chemistry - How Leading Chemists Succeed in the Kitchen by
H. P. Bell, T. Feuerstein, C. E. Güntner, S. Hölsken, J. K. Lohmann (eds.).
Wiley-VCH, 2003, ISBN 3-527-30723 (note: don't take the book title too
seriously; obviously I had no influence on it and personally, I liked the
original version "From Bench to Stove - A Cook Book by Chemists" a lot
Book review: The Times Higher Education Suppl., July 18, 2003 scan (GIF)
Martin Suhm. www.molekularsoziologie.de
Ein Versuch, unsere Forschung für den Nichtchemiker verständlich zu machen,
mit Illustrationen von M. Fárník.
Siehe auch: Die Aktuelle Wochenschau, Woche 29 www.bunsen.de/jdc/woche29/
Martin A. Suhm. How Broad Are Water Dimer Bands? (Letter to the Editor)
Science 304 (2004) 823
Original letter (PDF, 62 KB, 2
see also: S. Kassi, P. Macko, O. Naumenko, A. Campargue
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7 (2005) 2460-2467
Martin Suhm. 91. Bunsenkolloquium in Göttingen (Conference report)
Bunsen-Magazin 2005, no. 4, p. 105
PDF (54 KB, 1 page)
A profile of Professor Martin Suhm
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8 (2006) 4605
A rejected Comment for JCP (2006)
PDF (87 KB, 7 pages)
Martin Suhm. Die etwas anderen Klausuraufgaben
Bunsen-Magazin 9 (2007) 115-116
PDF (2 MB, 2 pages)
M. A. Suhm. Spectroscopic probes of molecular recognition
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9 (2007) 4443
A. J. Barnes, M. C. Bellissent-Funel, M. A. Suhm
HORIZONS IN HYDROGEN BOND RESEARCH 2009 - A Collection of Papers from the
XVIIIth International Conference
J. Mol. Struct. 972 (2010) 1
David J. Nesbitt and Martin A. Suhm
Chemical Dynamics of Large Amplitude Motion (Editorial)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 8151
Martin Suhm
Fahren mit angezogener Handbremse?
Bunsen-Magazin 2010, no. 5, p. 200
PDF (411 KB, 1 page)
Wouter A. Herrebout and Martin A. Suhm
Weak hydrogen bonds - strong effects? (Editorial)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 13858-13859
Austin J. Barnes, Wouter A. Herrebout, Martin A. Suhm
HORIZONS IN HYDROGEN BOND RESEARCH 2011 - A Collection of Papers from the
XIXth International Conference
J. Mol. Struct. 1018 (2012) 1
Martin A. Suhm
Guinness Molecules: Identifying Lowest-Energy Structures
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53 (2014) 1714-1715
Guinness-Moleküle: die Suche nach den stabilsten Strukturen
Angew. Chem. 126 (2014) 1742-1743
Martin A. Suhm
Warum nicht mal wieder PCCP?
Bunsen-Magazin 2014, no. 1, p. 1
Martin Suhm
√PC - Ein Zahlenspiel zur Begutachtungsaktivität
Bunsen-Magazin 2017, no. 1, p. 22-23
Jürgen Janek, Peter R. Schreiner and Martin A. Suhm
Understanding dispersion interactions in molecular chemistry
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23 (2021), 8960-8961.
Ricardo A. Mata, Anne Zehnacker-Rentien and Martin A. Suhm
Benchmark experiments for numerical quantum chemistry
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 (2023), 26415-26416.
